Yippee!!! My two week break is over.... tonight I go training with Trainer Christian. Trainer Nate is away overseas he will be back next week, I've decided if the fill in trainer tomorrow night is not any good I will go see Trainer Christian again on Thursday night. But we will see! I might want to crawl into a hole after tonight. The bruises on my knees have cleared up for the first time in months.
I can't complain though I was very busy with my sideline hobby of cake decorating, October seems to have been the month that suddenly anyone I've ever made a cake for wanted one again! So I would have had to do some serious schedule shuffling if I hadn't had this imposed break... that's supposed to be my silver lining right, everything happens for a reason hahahahahaha!
So in total honesty food's been a little up and down... I reigned it back in this week but with TTOM my weight shows a basic maintenance figure.... not bad for all that cake! hehehehhehe back into exercise and a bit more of a reign around the food and I expect the end of the week will be all good.
So lots of things going on... something I can't talk about yet a little deal going on with the possibility of some interesting opportunities but I can't say anything till it's all done and dusted.
I've been investigating my Certificate III and IV in Fitness. I've decided on the place just waiting on some money to come through and I'm going to do that. It's something I've been thinking about doing to help close the circle of information and learning that I've been doing over the last year and a half. And I'll feel more comfortable being able to give people actually advice from a more informed place. And who knows I could make some extra dosh as a trainer always good!
A possible job opportunity at work, I think it's something I would be REALLY good at and would enable me to effect some real change throughout the organisation in a positive way... fingers crossed... I know if it's meant to happen it will work out but there's no harm in asking for some positive vibes now is there!?
PS Did I mention I got an iphone?! I'm such a geek but I am in total infatuation with it. My friends told me to download a game called Angry Birds and O-M-G!!! Hours pass by in the blink of an eye with this darn obsessively addictive game! hahahahahaha
My trainers have been telling me to look at yoga and pilates, I haven't had time to investigate classes in my area, but I picked up a wii game that is both yoga and pilates, so I will endeavour to give this a go sometime during the week as long as I get my runs in!
So next goal is the 7th November, 10km Run4Fun at Sydney Olympic Park. I'll be testing out my iMapmyRun app with my first run on Wednesday and because I'll be tracking my run with the actual GPS on me I will have truer indication on how far and fast I am running! WOOHOO! Geekdom here I come! :P